Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council (MPOAC)

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The Florida Metropolitan Planning Organization Advisory Council is a statewide transportation planning and policy organization created by the Florida Legislature pursuant to Section 339.175(11), Florida Statutes, to augment the role of individual MPOs in the cooperative transportation planning process. The MPOAC assists MPOs in carrying out the urbanized area transportation planning process by serving as the principal forum for collective policy discussion.

The organization is made up of a Governing Board (27 members) consisting of local elected officials from each of the MPOs and a Staff Directors’ Advisory Committee consisting of the staff directors from each of the MPOs. The MPOAC also includes a Policy and Technical Subcommittee, a Freight and Rail Committee, and other committees as assigned by the Governing Board. The Policy and Technical Subcommittee annually prepares legislative policy positions and develops initiatives to be advanced during Florida’s legislative session. The MPOAC actively participates in the activities of the national Association of MPOs (AMPO) and the National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) in Washington DC and works with other stakeholder groups to help shape state and national policy regarding metropolitan transportation issues.

To read more about the MPOAC, please visit