Founded in 1993, the Martin MPO is a federally mandated public agency that works to coordinate the improvement of all facets of the transportation network in Martin County. The Martin MPO is responsible for deciding how to collaboratively spend federal money on important transportation projects that deliver solutions, help keep Martin County in motion, and improve quality of life for all. This effort includes the monitoring and evaluation of existing conditions, the development of improvement strategies, the facilitation of meaningful public input.
All MPOs are designated and funded through Federal legislation mandating the coordination of plans and improvements in areas with a population of 50,000 or more. The intent of the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962 related to the authorization of MPOs was to ensure projects were developed according to “continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative” transportation planning – the “3C” planning approach.Voting Members
The Martin MPO board consists of eight voting members, which consists of elected officials from Martin County, the City of Stuart, the Village of Indiantown, and the Town of Sewall’s Point.Advisory Committees
The Martin MPO also four Advisory Committees that help provide meaningful public input to the MPO Policy Board on transportation planning decisions.
- Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
- Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)
- Freight Transportation Advisory Committee (FTAC)
Vision Statement
To create and maintain a safe, efficient and resilient multimodal transportation network to meet mobility and accessibility needs of Martin County’s residents and visitors, while preserving the environment, supporting economic growth and enhancing the quality of life.