The purpose of the Transportation Alternatives (TA) Program is to help fund connected infrastructure for non-motorized users. This federal program, in agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), is an annual competitive application process where projects are submitted to the MPO and then ranked and prioritized for funding of approximately $5.1M annually. Eligible entities include local governments, regional transportation authorities, transit agencies, natural resource or public land agencies, school districts, local education agencies, and tribal governments in Martin County.
Eligible projects include non-motorized infrastructures, such as sidewalk facilities, bicycle facilities, trailways, complete streets projects, Safe Routes to School (SRTS) projects, lighting, and safety-related infrastructure.
Below are links to forms and examples to help with submitting an application. The Application Form and Cost Estimate Spreadsheet provided below are required to be a complete application submittal.
- FDOT TAP Application Form (PDF) (Download and Complete Form for Application Submittal)
- Cost Estimate Spreadsheet (use FDOT Area 12: 12-month historical averages)
- TA Set-Aside Program Guidance and Procedures
- TA Set-Aside Program in Florida – Overview and Highlights (2015 – 2021)
Solicitation Cycle: November 2, 2023 – March 1, 2024, at 11:00 PM, EST. (hard deadline)
For more information on the TA Program, please visit:
Currently adopted TAP Projects:
Program Contact Information
Martin MPO
Joy Puerta, Planner
[email protected]
(772) 320 – 3015
Mya Williams-Gray, Local Program Administrator
[email protected]
(954) 777 – 4608